Effect of application rates of rape seed cake on yield and quality of flue-cured tobacco
Graphical Abstract
An experiment was conducted to study the effect of application rate of rape seed cake on yield and quality of flue-cured tobacco.The results show that output yield and value of flue-cured tobacco are highest at 25% N from rape seed cake and 75% N from compound fertilizer.However,output yield and value of flue-cured tobacco decrease when N application rate from rape seed cake is above 25% of total applied N.With the same application amount,output yield and value of flue-cured tobacco in rotten rape seed cake treatment are higher than those in unprocessed rape seed cake.It is also observed that fluecured tobacco leaf chemical quality balances well at 25% rotten rape seed cake,plus 75% compound fertilizer treatments.At 100% rape seed cake (rotten or nprocessed rape seed cake) or 100% chemical fertilizer treatment,flue-cured tobacco leaf chemical quality becomes very unbalanced.