Effects of CO2-induced change on wheat straw quality, quantity and decomposition
Graphical Abstract
The effect of CO2 enrichment on the quality and quantity of wheat straw, wheat straw decomposition and anaerobic soil microbial biomass activity was examined in rice season. Analysis shows that elevated CO2 significantly enhances C/N and lignin/N rations of wheat straw due primarily to decreased N content. However, elevated CO2 has no effect on biochemical compositions (soluble fractions, semi-cellulose, cellulose and lignin) and phenol content of wheat straw. Alteration of wheat straw quality caused by elevated CO2 has insignificant effect on wheat straw and wheat straw C decomposition, but rather significantly retardes wheat straw N decomposition. When all produced wheat straw under ambient and elevated CO2 are added to the soil, elevated CO2 alteration of wheat straw quantity has no obvious impact on subsequent wheat straw decomposition. Change in wheat straw quality from elevated CO2 insignificantly affects subsequent soil microbial biomass C. This implicitly explains any lack of effect of elevated CO2 on wheat straw quality, decomposition and C content.