Effect of exogenous nitric oxide donor on plasmalemma H+—ATPase and antioxidative enzyme activities of pear infected by Pnysalosproa piricola Nose.
Graphical Abstract
Pear leaves were treated by different densities of nitric oxide donor—SNP after its infection with Pnysalosproa piricola Nose for five days and the activities of plasmalemma H+—ATPase and antioxidative enzyme were investageted. Results show that diseased pear treatment with SNP at the density of 0.3mmol/L can raise H+—ATPase, APX, GPX and GR activities and reduce LOX activity, while 0.1mmol/L and 0.6mmol/L SNP have less apparent effects on pear toxicity mitigation. In the treatment group of SNP at a constant density, there are varying degrees of effect on infected pear with the prolongation of treatment time. SNP in a relatively low density can palliate pear toxicity after Pnyalosproa piricola Nose infection.