Effect of fertilization on soil microorganisms and enzyme activity under greenhouse condition
Graphical Abstract
The effect of different fertilizations of tomato on soil microorganisms and enzyme activity was studied under greenhouse condition.Results show that phosphatase activity increases by using organic manure, NP fertilizer and organic manure plus foliar feed.There is a greater increase in phosphatase activity with the use of NP fertilizer plus foliar feed than the use of NP fertilizer alone.Using organic manure enhances urease activity.Fertilization with NP plus foliar feed leads to lower phosphatase activity than fertilization with organic manure plus foliar feed.Fertilization shows no significant effects on the activities of catalase and sucrase.The number of bacteria and fungi and actnomycete increases by using organize manure.Using NP fertilizer decreases the number of bacteria,increases the number of fungi and actinomycete.