Beauveria bassiana isolate selection against aphids
Graphical Abstract
Fungal pathogenicity and fecundity, and effects on population parameters and fecundity of aphids of 4 isolates of Beauveria bassiana were studied (under 21℃, 85% relative humidity). The results show a general consistency between infection mortality to aphids and effect on the reproduction and fecundity of the aphids, but a significant difference among the 4 isolates exists. On the whole, the observed infection rank order of performance of the isolates is “Bb7001”>“Bb7004”>“Bb4014”>“Bb8001”. The aphids' mortality is highest 3~5 days after inoculation of the 4 Beauveria bassiania isolates “Bb7001”,“Bb7004”,“Bb4014” and “Bb8001” with lgLC50 at 3.67,4.34,4.52 and 4.48. The fecundity of aphids is significantly different from the control after inoculated with the isolates in 106 conidia per mL for 3 days. 4 isolates show significant inhibition for reproduction. Within 10 days, the birth rate of aphid offspring decreases by 30.06%~50.00%; the net reproductive rate decreases by 61.90%~72.73%; and the intrinsic increasing rate decreases by 13.04%~41.58%. Among all the isolates, the “Bb7001”exhibits the most significant effect on the green peach aphids and is the first isolate to develop.