Effect of different base fertilizers on yield components,physiological and biochemical traits of winter wheat
Graphical Abstract
Under immature soil,greenhouse and pot culture conditions,different base fertilizers(CK,N,P,K,NP,NK,NPK,organic fertilizer,NPK+organic fertilizer)were applied on winter wheat to study their effects on the yield components and physiological and biochemical traits of winter wheat.The results show P-fertilizer to be the main restricting factor to wheat growth.It is found to have significant effect on the growth characteristics,grain yield,chlorophyll content,plant N content and grain protein content of wheat.The plant N content is observed to be positively related to grain N and chlorophyll contents at 0.05 significant level;and to grain yield at 0.01 significant level.Grain protein content on the other hand is observed to be positively related to chlorophyll content and grain yield at 0.05 significant level.These findings indicate that in the lime soils of the Loess Plateau region of China, P is the most important factor for wheat growth.