Effects of techniques of water harvesting and water conservation on millet planting in semi-arid areas in south Ningxia
Graphical Abstract
In the semi-arid areas of southern Ningxia, the techniques of water harvesting and water conservation in millet planting with film-mulching and FA seeding can effectively enhance the water supplying capacity and temperature of cultivated soil, and increase the yield and water use efficiency of millet. The experimental results show that the hole seeding under the film can make the millet emerge 4d ahead compared with other treatments, the millet yields of hole seeding under the film and furrow seeding with the film are in creased by 131.92% and 98.40% compared with those without the film. The millet yield of FA seeding is increased by 10.42% compared that without FA seeding. The water use efficiency of water harvesting and conservation techniques is increased by 0.065~0.886kg/m3 compared with CK. Furthermore, the planting techniques of film mulching and FA seeding are more beneficial to farmers bringing farmer more incomes.