Effects of organic-inorganic rubbish-mixed fertilizer on the soil physical and chemical characters and wheat yield
Graphical Abstract
The effects of organic-inorganic rubbish-mixed fertilizer on the soil physical and chemical chara cters,and wheat yield were studied.The results show that compared with the treat ment without fertilizers,the bulk density of organic-inorganic rubbish-mixed fertilizer treatment in 0~20 cm soil layer decr eases 0.04 g/cm3,the total porosity increases by 1.51%,the granule structure of >0.25 mm increase by 5.10%,the natural water content increases 71.68 g/kg,the store water increases 153.50 m3/hm2,the cation exchange capac ity increases 7.03 cmol/kg,the soil organic matter and alkali-hydr olysis N,available P and available K increase 1.77 g/kg,20.51 mg/kg,2.95 mg/k g and 1 1.10 mg/kg,the pH value reduces 0.07.The wheat ear and grain number,1000-grain weight and output of wheat increase 170 thousands/hm2,8.73, 7.2 4 g and 1.53 t/hm2,the rate of increasing yield reaches 31.23%.And in soil,the element Hg, Cd, Cr and Pb enrichment of heavy metal have slow down tendency obviously.Between different treatments,the difference reaches signifi cant and very significant level by LSR inspection.