Growth, development and ions distribution of three Halophytes under salt sress
Graphical Abstract
The growth, development and ions distribution in different parts of halophyte plants (Suaeda salsa, Suaeda glauca and Atriplex Centralasiatica) were studied in pot experiment. The results show that the seedling emergency rate decreases significantly, while the shoot and inflorescence length increase significantly with the increase of soil salt (NaCl) content. There is a good correlatiyity between the seedling emergency rate or inflorescence length and the soil salt contents. Sodium content in leaf increases with the increase of soil salt content, while other ion contents decrease slowly or do not change. Ions contents in stem are stable for Suaeda salsa and Suaeda glauca. In general, the contents of ions are sodium>potassium/ magnesium>calcium; while ions content in leaf is higher than that in stem.