A study of Cyclobalanopsis glauca community feature in Gutian Mountain Nature Reserve Zone in Zhejiang Province
Graphical Abstract
The features and special diversity of the Cyclobalanopsis glauca community in Gutian Mountain Nature Re-serve Zo ne of Zhejiang Province were analyzed.The results show that there are various plants in the community of Cyclobalanopsls glauca,and their floral compositions are complicated .In term s of genus geographical elements,many of them are distributed in tropical zones .According tO Raunkiaer’S statistics of life-form ,the life-form phaenerophyte of this com-munity numbers first.The fea tures of the community leaf is mainly microphyll,simple,leathery and unentlre.The specialdiversity index of different layers shows that shrub layer>tree layer> herb layer,and the special abundance and diversity index of shrub layer and tree layer are higher significantly than those of herb layer.