Effect of conservation tillage and straw application on the soil microorganism and P-dissolving characteristics
Graphical Abstract
The effects of conservation tillage and straw application on the soil microorganisms and P-dissolving characteristics were studied.The results show that minimum tillage has a good effect on the microbial carbon,zero tillage and straw application can increase the ergosterol level and accumulation of organic-C in soil.The soil organic-C levels have no significant differences in different tillage modes .Straw application can increase the soil organic-C content,zero tillage can increase the population of soil microorganisms,deep tillage shows a lower po pulation of soil microorganisms.The microrganismamount of straw application is significantly higher than that without straw application.M inimum tillage have a higher poPulation of soil micro rganisms,zero tillage shows a lower po pulation of P-dissolving microrganism ,minimum and zero tillages promote the development of high efficient P-dissolving strain.Crop residues can enhance the po pulation of phosphate solubilizing micro rganism ,and development of higher efficient strain of P solubilization.