Effects of C02 enrichment on the allocation of biomass and C,N uptake in rice organs
Graphical Abstract
The effects of C02 enrichment on the allocation of biomass,C and N accumulation in rice organs under 2 levels of N were studied.The results shown that the elevated C02 decreased significantly the allocation of biomass and C content in rice leaves and increased their allocation in shoot,ear and root,decreased the allocation of N content in leaves and increased the allocation in ear.Under 1owar N and normal N trea tments。the alloc ation of N in ro t decreased by 9.67% and 13.1% respectively at heading stage and increased by 3.5%~ 26.6% at other stages .the allocation of N in shoot increased by 7.03% and 5.71% atjointing stage and decreased by10.5% and 7.43% at ripening stage respectively.There was not significant influence of N levels on the allocation of biomass,C and N in rice organs.