Biological effect of sodium humate on the Cd-stressed wheat seedlings
Graphical Abstract
Under the Cd stress conditions, the wheat seedling development and the effects on assimilation and accmulation of contamination element Cd and nutrition elements Cu, Zn, Fe and Mn in pot experiment under different sodium humate treatments such as seed soaking, irrigating and mixed manuring were studied. The results indicate that different treatments of sodium humate can mitigate the harmful effect of heavy metal Cd and improve the accumulation of dry matters in wheat seedlings. In light polluted soil, it can remarkably inhibit the assimilaion of Cd and increase the assimilation and accumulation of Cu, Zn, Fe and Mn. With the aggravation of Cd pollutioon, sodium humate's ability of inhibiting the assimilation of Cd weekens, and may have different effects on the assimilation of nutrition elements Cu, Zn, Fe and Mn. So the better effects of averseness resistance are shown.