Basic characteristics of rodent comm unities in lakefront rice area of Dongting Lake
Graphical Abstract
Rodent communities have been studied in Matangyuan,Yueyang Co unty,Dongting lakefront rice area.The ro-dent communities can be divided into four types,i.e.Apodemus agrarius+Microtus fortis community in farmland(A),Microtus fortis+Apodemus agrarius+Rattus rosea community in hills(B),Microtus fortis community in lake beach (C),Mus musculus+Rattus flavipectus+Rattus norvegicus community in indoor(D).The structure of communitv A is similar to that of community B,and they are significantly different between years,but other community structures are significant difference.The diversity index of community B is the highest one(1.619).The diversity and evenness indexes of community C are the lowest(0.052 and 0.033),but its dominance index is the highest(0.990).Evenness index of community D is the highest(0.721),but its dominance index is the lowest(0.407).