Biological effect of endophyfic bacteria in Fortunate Bamboo
Graphical Abstract
The experiments show that there are man y endophytic bacteria with diferent biological effects in Fortunate Bamboo.64 strains of endophytic bacteria are isolated from the symptom free leaves and stems of 4 varieties of FortunateBamboo.There are 22 strains having pathogenicity when tested by the methods of tobacco-senstive-reaction and half-leave-inoculation.Being tested in plate,16 strains have anti-fungal efect on one plant pathogen fungi(PPF),5 strains have anti-fungal effeCt on 2 PPF and 4 strains have anti-fungal efect on 3 PPF.The total number of anti-fungal strains is 25.16 strains can stimulate the growth of rice or green bean.Mixed stimulating-growth strains also can stimulate Fortunate Bamboo tO produce roots.