The prevention and control effects of the growth-promotion antagonistic bacterium“98-I”on 4 Fusarium wilts
Graphical Abstract
A growth-promoting antagonistic bacteria strain “98-I”against Fusarium wilt,selected from 330 strains and identified as Bacillus cereus.can effectively inhibit the soil-born Fusarium pathogens.It presents a notable efficiency in controlling 4 Fusarium wilt diseases including cucumber Fusarium wilt(Fusarium oxysporum f.sp.cucumerinum),wa-termelon Fusarium wilt('oeum),paprica Fusarium wilt(F.O.f.sp.Vasinfectum ),and tomato Fusarium wilt(F.0.f.sp.1ycopersici)with the corresponding spore germination inhibition rate of 79.2%,75.1%,72.3% and 95.7% by petri disk test.The bacterium can also promote the vegetable growth and seeds germ ination.