Practice and theoretic analysis of supplementing illumination in the solar greenhouse with reflecting film
Graphical Abstract
For supplementing illumination,the reflecting film is covered on the back wall of greenhouse.There.suits show that the maximum illumination on the measuring point does not increase,but the plane illumination on the measuring pointincreases by 15.48% .Air temperature,earth temperature,wall temperature and the temperature of wall covered by re-fleeting film in the greenhouse are respectively 1.1℃ ,1.5℃ ,0.9℃ and 1.8℃ lower than those of the control greenhouseat 7 a.m.,air temperature,earth temperature and wall temperature in the greenhouse are respectively 1.6℃ ,1.4℃ and0.3℃ higher than those of the control greenhouse,the temperature of wall covered by reflecting film is 11.4℃ lower than that of the control greenhouse at 12 a.m.The output of the greenhouse increases by 7.4% ,the benefit increases 2.1 yuan/during the experimental period.