Analysis on variation of main economic characters in crossing offspring of sugarcane
Graphical Abstract
One hundred and fifty seeding plants constructing the population for marker analysis on gene linked to sugarcane smut resistance were studied.The results show that the variation coefficients for six main economic characters of height.diameter,brix,stalk number,stalk weight and brix weight are from 9.92% to 39.68% ,in which the maximum variation coefficient is found in stalk weight of clump and the minimum is found in brix.Except that the correlation between diameter and stalk number is ignificant negative and the correlation coefficient between diameter and brix is very small,the other corelation coefficients between characters are positive and the values are bigger.A significant corelation between brix and stalk number is found in two generations.only in single-line generation,the sign ificant corelation between height and diameter is found.And So is that between height and stalk number.The value for each character is significant different in two generations,but the correlation between two generations for each character is significant.The selection strategy adopted in two generation is analyzed also.