The influence of different concentrations of Mn on the growth and development of wheat
Graphical Abstract
In the method of water culture,the influences of Mn deficiency,low Mn and normal Mn on the growth and development of wheat were studied.The results show that with the Jingdong-8,both the low Mn and the Mn deficiency make the fresh weight and the dry weight of stem an d root decrease obviously,the content of the N03--N and the soluble protein increase evid/ently;while the content of amino acid has no obvious difference in other trea tments,except for the marked decrease at the lower Mn concentration of 0.001umol/L;al1 the indexes express that 1ow Mn concentration has more higher influence than Mn deficiency;in protein electropho resis,two protein lines disappear in the low Mn concentration.The expressions 0f Linyuan-7069 are just not So obvious as those of Jingdong-8.