Anatomical structure character of vegetative organ of two cultivars of Jasminum sabac and their ecological adaptations
Graphical Abstract
Anaiomy of vegetative organs(root,stem,leaf)between Jasminum sabac(single peta1)and J.sabac(double peta1)growing at the similar habitats was surveyed.The results show that compared tO J.sabac(single peta1),J.sabac(double peta1)accumulates much more starch grains in the parenchyma of stems and roots;has much fewer tyloses in the vessel lum ens of the secondary xylem of stem;the cell layers of cortex of stem are about 2~4:has smaller stomatal apparatus,higher stomata density,smaller ratio of stomatal area/leaf surface area,more sunken stomatal apparatus,smaller mesophyll cells,higher ratio of palisade tissue/mesophyll tissue,and compacter palisade tisue.Anatomical structures are presumely relative to ecological adaptations.Therefore,the differences in anatomical structures are considered to be a reason that J.sabac(double peta1)can survive at the lower temperature and in drier habitats than J.sabac(single peta1).