The correlations of the different host plants with preference level,life duration and survival rate of Spodoptera litura Fabricius
Graphical Abstract
The correlations of the different llost plants with preference leve1.1ife duration and survival rate of S.1itura Fabricius show that the most preference plants of S.1itura Fabricius are Ver.cormosus,Nelumbo nucifera,Brassica oleracea,Brassica chinensis,lpornoea aquatica,Brassica cornpestris,Gossypium hirsutum ,Glycine max,Raphanus sativus,vigna sesquipedalis,Basella alba,respectively.The preference plants are Arachis hypogaea,Sesamum indicurn,Polygonum lapathifolium,Marsilea quadrifolia,Ipmoea batatas,Phaseolus radicalum,Cucumis sativus,respectively. The secondary host plant are others.There are significant differences among the duration of larvae,weight of pupa and the emerging rate when the larvae are fed on the different host plants.The duration of larvae is shorter,the pupae are weighter and the emerging rate is higher when the larvae are fed on Colocasia esculenta,lpomoea aquatica,Brassica chinensis,Brassica oleralea,Vigna sesquipedalis,Nelumbo nucifera,etc.The duration of larvae is longer,the pupae are smaller and the emerging rate is lower when the larvae are fed on Gossypium hirsutum ,Glycine max,and Helianthus annuus.