Study on influence of atmosphere infectant S02 on crops
Graphical Abstract
The influence of atmosphere infectant SO2 on crops was studied by simulate test.The results show that under low concentration S02 the threshold dosage of chronic harm for“Jin85-3”and“Mianyang15”is 8.329 mg·h and 20.519mg·h,the threshold concentration is 0.043 mg/m3 and 0.122mg/m3 respectively when output of wheat decreases 5%.the fastness of wheat“Mianyang 15”is better.Under the high concentration SO2 the critical dosage of acute harm to under age cornis 2.50mg/m3×4h,4.92mg/m3×2h and 7.38mg/m3×lh,whenits harm is seen.Thethreshold dosage of acute harm to corn is 5.90mg/m3 × 8h,6.49mg/m3 ×6h,11.80mg/m3 ×4h,15.00rag/m3×2h,and 17.O0mg/m3×1h.when the withered spot of laminae reached 5%.