Multi-objective decision-making on hydro-ecological eficiencies for five fordst vegetation types in east Liaoning mountainous region
Graphical Abstract
with the method of analytieal hierarchical process (AHP) combined with fuzzy mathematics,multi-objective decision-making method on water-stored capacities for five typical forest vegetations in east Liaoning mountainous region has been made on the base of some hydro-ecological indices measured.By means of AHP,the weight set,C=(0.0245,0.0051,0.1993,0.0109,0.0762,0.0565,0.2827,0.0573,0.2866)is firstly determined for such evaluation factors as canopy interception,canopy evapotranspiration,litter water storage,soil bulk density,nonca pillary porosity,initial infiltration rate, final infiltration rate,total soll water storage,available soil water storage,then the fuzzy functions are astablished for these factors according to the principle of maximum fuzzy entropy,and finally,using the fuzzy multi-objective decision-making method ,the fuzzy subset of evaluation results,B=(0.4686,0.3784,0.4145,0.6128,0.4808)is evolved for the Chinese pine,larch,the korean pine,oak,weed trees,showing that the hardwoods enjoy higher water stored capacity than conifers,and the oak forests show the best.