Influences of different managements of winter wheat residues on seedling growth and grain yield of summer corn
Graphical Abstract
With mid-late maturity maize cultivar“Nongda 108”.the experiment including four management ways of winter wheat such as burned,low wheat stubble (20cm high) with mulched (amount of 4350 kg/hm2),high stubble (40cm high) with mulched (2460kg/hm2)and low stubble(CK) was carried out.The results show that wheat straw mulched back in maize field can promote seedling root growing while straw burned to the ground inhibit it;in terms of stem growth,the cutring height of winter wheat stubble heavily influences it as well as burned ;leaf chlorophyll content of burned is the highest while that of high with mulched is the lowest from maize emergence to 23 days old,from then on,mulched,especially the low with mulched ,dramatically increases leaf chlorophyll content.There is no difference between low stubble.burned ;and high with mulched in grain yield.Low with mulched acquires the highest grain yield of 10.68 t/hm2 and is significantly different from the other trea tments.