Effect of different interferences on soil characters in saline soil of Hexi Corridor arid zone
Graphical Abstract
The effects of different interferences on saline soil characters are compared in arid area of Hexi Corridot by random investigation.The Ca2+ content reduces and HC03- content increases in surface layer of soil on the land of planting pear tree,breeding pyrus betulaefolia Bage,growing wheat,discarded land,and fallow.The reducing ratio of Ca2+ content in soil of breeding Pyrus betulaefolia Bage is the biggest.The value of buck density is related with the amount of root,sa1ine soi1 character and organic matter.The discarded 1and and fallow wil1 reduce suitable activity of soi1 for growth.Planting wheat is the best way to improve saline soil in the arid zone.