Caloric values of plant propagules at Niumulin Nature Reserve Zone of Fujian Province
Graphical Abstract
The ash contents,gross caloric values and ash-free caloric values in the propagules of 18 plants at Niumulin Nature Reserve Zone of Fujian Province are discussed in this paper. The results show that ash contents in these plant propagules vary from 21.8~77.4g/kg,the average is 46.7g/kg;the plant propagules have the high caloric values,in which gross caloric values and ash-free caloric values vary from 20153.8±50.9J/g to 28533.3±37.2 J/g and from 20900.7J/g to 29552.9 J/g,espectively.Except that gross caloric values and ash-free caloric values of Cyclobalanopsis glauca fruit are both the lowest.High caloric value reflected their functions.