A study of paclobutrazol(PP333)on conservation of sweet potato germplasm in vitro at normal temperature
Graphical Abstract
Treated“Xushu 18”plantlets in vitro with PP333 in each concentration between 3.6~36.0umol/L,the growth potential is decrea sed.but the content of chlorophyll and root-shoot ratio are increased.“Xushu 18” plantlets in vitro on the“MS+IBA0.984umol/L”medium can be kept for above one year by adding PP333” in each concentration between 0.216~28.8umol/L.If exogenous GA3 is added in“MS+IBAO.984umol/L”medium.the growth rate of sweet potato plantlets in vitro will return to normal leve1.The best concentration of GA3 is 0.289~0.434umol/L.