The effects of different levels of phosphorus and zinc fertilizers on production and absorption in two barley species
Graphical Abstract
The effects of different levels of phosphorus and zinc fertilizers on growth,production and nutrient absorption of two barley species (Sahara and Clipper)have been studied in growth chamber pot experiments.The results show that under the condition of Zn deficiency in soil the growth and production of the two barley species are reduced when phosphorus concentrations in the soil are higher and zinc are deficient.The concentrations of phosphorus in the barley shoots increase with the increase of phosphorus levels applied to the soil,but the concentrations of zinc in the shoots decline.High concentrations of phosphorus and low levels of zinc in the soil result in phosphorus toxicity in the barley strains.Higher levels of phosphorus result in decrea sed zinc levels in the barley shoots.There are distinct interactions between phosphorus and zinc in relation to the growth of the barley strains.Two barley species differ significantly with regard to growth and zinc absorption.