Technical system of prevention forest fire in the travelled region of Lu Mountain
Graphical Abstract
The experiment of combustion outside, the determinations of moist content, rough adipose, rough ash content and heat value in 11 major tree species, especially in Pinus taiwanensis Layata, in Lu Mountain are conducted, and inflammable, combustible and fireresistance tree species are selected. Schima superba Gardn. et Champ. andCamellia sinensis(Linn.) are fire-resistance tree species, so they can be used in the construction of forest region of fire prevention, which have an action on the preventing the extension of fire around. The graph of forest fire occurrence is drawn. The grades of fire danger, which are light, low, middle and high, are divided. The force of fire prevention and the graph of equipments in fire revention are offered. The weather conditions, terrain and indication of plant sorts are confirmed, which are susceptible to forest fire. Eight measures such as proposal of fire prevention of society, establishment of “the information free highway” and the pool of fire prevention, biologic and chemical fire prevention, artificial rainfall, etc. are pro posed. The research can decrease fire disasters to a minimum. Therefore both protection of beautiful nvironments and the increase of economic effects in Lu Mountain have improved. The technical system was used in 1999 and 2000, production of 180000 Yuan and revenues of 26000 Yuan were increased, the expenditure of 45000 Yuan was reduced.