Expression and assessment of agronomic characters of different cotton varieties in Xinjiang
Graphical Abstract
The orientation plot trial for 13 cotton varieties was carried out under the “shorter, denser, earlier” cultivate model from 1997 to 1998 in Xinhe County of Xinjiang. The variety representation and the relation among the variety characters were studied. The results indicated that the cotton yield was highest when plant height was controlled at 75 cm or so, while cotton plant density was 1.5×105 plants/hm2. The whole bearing period was most influenced by the emergence of seeding days and the time from blooming to boll opening, so the key phase topromote premature was to promote the seed to emergent and shorten the days from blooming to boll opening. 13 cotton varieties were divided into 3 chemistry control types, that is, sensitivity, middle and abuse. Finally “Yumian9-44”,“Qinyuan 93089”,“Zhong mian 12-53”,“Jin yuan 820”,and “Yumian 17” are confirmed to be selectable varieties after the syn thesized judgement through grey conjunction analysis.