A preliminary study of economic characters of mulberry planted within contour hedgerows of nitrogen fixing plants
Graphical Abstract
Plantation of mulberry trees on margina1 lands including bench terrace risers has played an important role n the development of sericulture in the motlntainous areas of Siehuan Province.However,owing to various Feasons,mulberry leaves of such plantation are low in quality and yield.Recently planting of contour hedgerows of nitrogen fixing plants has been promoted as a math ITleasure for soil conservation and soil fertility improvement of the Moping agricultural lands.In order to maximise multiple benefits of the contour hehgerows tan experiment of planting mul-berry trees between the double hedgerows has be en carried out in Ningnan county,Southwest Sichuan Province,The preliminary results showed that the average leaf area,weight of individual leaf,and leaf yield per plant of the grafted mulberry trees in the contour hedgerows were 1.7,4.6 and 3.9 times of those planted on the terrace risers,respectively.The average leaf area,wight of individual leaft and leaf yield per plant of the non grafted mulbe rry tres in the contour hedgerows were 1.6,4.1 and 4.0 times of those planted 0n the terrace riserstrespectively.The preliminary results indicated that inclusion of mulberry trees withn the contour hedge rows might he an additionl source of incom e generation to farmers.