Technical researches on sustainable development of dry land farming
Graphical Abstract
The techniques for sustainable increase of production of dry land corn and wheat were researched from 1989 to 1992 in ten counties and cities of Shanxi Province.Four sets of technical systems such as the non-tillage and whole-straw mulching of dry land corn and the reduced-tillage and straw mulching of dry land wheat were established. The practices proved that the non-tillage and whole-straw mulching technique of dry land corn increased grain yield by 32.0 percent(750~1500kg/hm2),decreased the cost of production by 600 yuan/hm2 and increased the income by 1500 yuan/hm2 than the conventional tillage system.WUE was increased by 1.95~7.5kg/hm2·mm and soil organic matter(0~20cm) by 0.13 percent,respectively. The surface runoff and soil erosion was decreased by 60 percent and by 50 percent,respectively.The density of soil becterium was also increased obviously.