Comprative studies of the Ecological Agriculture Between China and the Western countries
Graphical Abstract
In this paper the difference and similarities of the ecological agriculture are compared and discussed,and the progressie level of the eco-agriculture is analysed and appraised between China and the western industrial countries.The author points out that the China's ecological agriculture is at the prior state in productive practice,but the scientific experiments and the professional education are backward.In the conclusion of the paper,the author has pointed out the ecologilization of agriculture is the inexorable trend of the all of the biological production in the whole word today.But the differences of the ecological agriculture are also existed in the developing process between china and the western industrial countries. The former one will be mainly continued along the way of system development for the productive potentials and to increase the output of products;the latter one will be mainly improved for the quality of survival environments of the mankind.But for the super quality food from the eco-agriculture is the same target for both of China and the western industrial countries.