
Review of researches on soil aggregate and soil organic carbon

  • 摘要: 增加土壤有机碳有助于农业可持续发展, 同时对缓解温室气体增加造成的全球气候变暖等具有重要意义。土壤团聚体是土壤的重要组成部分, 影响土壤的各种物理化学性质。土壤团聚体和有机碳是不可分割的, 前者是后者存在的场所, 后者是前者存在的胶结物质。本文在综合各方面研究的基础上, 阐述了土壤团聚体和有机碳的依存关系, 影响团聚体固碳的几大因素, 团聚体对有机碳的物理保护机制以及目前应用比较广泛的团聚体内有机碳的研究方法, 为以后的研究提供理论和方法上的支持。


    Abstract: Increasing soil organic carbon (SOC) levels are critical for agricultural sustainability, meanwhile, it could mitigate global climate warming due to the greenhouse effects. Soil aggregates are the main soil components and significantly influence soil physical and chemical characteristics. As soil aggregates hold in SOC and SOC forms the cementing substance of soil aggregates, the two are inseparable. Based on research on the various aspects of soil aggregate and SOC, this paper summarized the main factors affecting carbon sequestration in soil aggregates, the physical protection mechanisms of sequestrated carbon in soil aggregates, and current research methods widely adopted in soil organic carbon and soil aggregates studies, which would provide support for future studies.


