郑浩飞, 逄蕾, 孙建好, 赵建华, 于瑞鹏, 李隆. 玉米/豌豆间作体系生产力对覆膜方式及化肥施用量的响应[J]. 中国生态农业学报 (中英文), 2024, 32(0): 1−10. DOI: 10.12357/cjea.20240061
引用本文: 郑浩飞, 逄蕾, 孙建好, 赵建华, 于瑞鹏, 李隆. 玉米/豌豆间作体系生产力对覆膜方式及化肥施用量的响应[J]. 中国生态农业学报 (中英文), 2024, 32(0): 1−10. DOI: 10.12357/cjea.20240061
ZHENG H F, PANG L, SUN J H, ZHAO J H, YU R P, LI L. Responses of productivity to film mulching patterns and chemical fertilizer application rates in maize/pea intercropping system[J]. Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture, 2024, 32(0): 1−10. DOI: 10.12357/cjea.20240061
Citation: ZHENG H F, PANG L, SUN J H, ZHAO J H, YU R P, LI L. Responses of productivity to film mulching patterns and chemical fertilizer application rates in maize/pea intercropping system[J]. Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture, 2024, 32(0): 1−10. DOI: 10.12357/cjea.20240061


Responses of productivity to film mulching patterns and chemical fertilizer application rates in maize/pea intercropping system

  • 摘要: 为研究间作体系生产力对覆膜及化肥施用量的响应, 本文基于2012年布设在甘肃省农业科学院张掖节水农业试验站的长期定位试验进行了采样与分析。试验采用三因素试验设计, 1)覆膜方式: 条膜覆盖和全膜覆盖; 2)施肥量: 常规施肥450 kg(N)·hm−2, 78.6 kg(P)·hm−2和减量施肥300 kg(N)·hm−2, 52.4 kg(P)·hm−2; 3)种植模式: 玉米单作, 豌豆单作, 玉米/豌豆间作。于2021年和2022年豌豆和玉米收获期采集植株样品, 测定籽粒产量、地上部生物量、籽粒粗蛋白产量(基于籽粒氮浓度计算)和吸磷量。结果表明: 间作体系产量最高, 间作体系混合产量较单作加权产量两年平均提高32.4%, 增产主要由正的互补效应驱动; 同时, 各处理下土地当量比(LER)均大于1, 即间作能够提高土地利用率。相比于单作, 间作显著增加籽粒粗蛋白产量和磷吸收量, 两年平均分别提高30.0%和24.0%。与条膜覆盖相比, 全膜覆盖显著提高生产力和粗蛋白产量。其中, 在条膜覆盖下, 间作较单作增产38.4%; 全膜覆盖下, 间作较单作增产26.3%; 单作和间作条件下, 全膜较条膜分别增产15.9%和5.8%; 与单作覆条膜相比, 间作覆全膜的产量显著提高47.0%, 粗蛋白产量显著提高57.5%。两个施肥水平产量无显著差异, 与常规施肥的单作相比, 减量施肥下的间作氮肥和磷肥偏生产力均提高102.0%, 具有更高的资源利用效率。在减量施氮肥和磷肥条件下, 间作相比于单作提高了肥料偏生产力和氮磷收获指数, 且玉米品质不降低。因此, 与农户模式(条膜覆盖下常规施肥的玉米单作)相比, 全膜覆盖下减量施肥的间作是一种更加可持续发展的种植模式, 是农业绿色发展的重要措施。


    Abstract: To investigate the response of productivity to mulching patterns and chemical fertilizer application rates in intercropping and monoculture cropping systems, we used a long-term maize/pea intercropping field experiment located in Zhangye Water-saving Agricultural Experimental Station of Gansu Academy of Agricultural Sciences. The experiment started in 2012 and has three factors. The first factor is two film mulching patterns, i.e. strip mulching and full mulching; the second factor is two chemical fertilizer application rates, i.e. conventional fertilization with 450 kg(N)·hm−2 and 78.6 kg(P)·hm−2 and reduced fertilization with 300 kg(N)·hm−2 and 52.4 kg(P)·hm−2. the third factor is three cropping systems, i.e. maize monoculture, pea monoculture, maize/pea intercropping; Plant samples were collected at the harvest stage of pea and maize in 2021 and 2022, and the grain yield, aboveground biomass, crude protein yield (calculation based on grain nitrogen concentration), and phosphorus uptake of grains were measured. The results showed that the yield of intercropping system was the highest; the grain yield of the intercropping system was significantly higher than that of the weighted mean of monoculture by 32.4% across two years; the yield advantages mainly come from the positive complementarity effect rather than the selection effect. In addition, land equivalent ratio (LER) was greater than 1 in each treatment, indicating that intercropping exhibited a greater land use efficiency than monoculture. On average for two experimental years, compared with monoculture, intercropping increased grain crude protein yield and grain phosphorus content by 30.0% and 24.0%, respectively. Full mulching significantly enhanced productivity and crude protein yield compared with strip mulching, in which compared with monoculture combined with strip mulching, intercropping with full mulching significantly increased grain yield, crude protein yield, partial productivity of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer by 47.0%, 57.5%, 47.5% and 47.3%, respectively. The yield of intercropping was 38.4% and 26.3% higher than that of monoculture under strip mulching and full mulching treatment, respectively. Under monocropping and intercropping conditions, the yield of mulching was 15.9% and 5.8% higher than that of strip film, respectively, i.e. intercropping combined with full mulching enhances nutrient use efficiency. There was no significant difference in yield between the two fertilization levels. Under the reduction of NP chemical fertilizer treatment, intercropping system increased the partial productivity of fertilizer and maintained productivity and crude protein yield compared with conventional fertilizer application rate. In conclusion, intercropping under reduced fertilization of full film mulching is more sustainable than farmer's custom (i.e. maize monoculture with conventional fertilization under strip mulching), which enhances productivity and save chemical fertilizer.


