
Effects of climate warming on rice quality in relation to hybrid combinations and their parents

  • 摘要: 探明气候、杂交组合及亲本对稻米品质的互作效应, 可为进一步优化水稻品质改良策略和提升水稻防灾减灾能力提供科学依据。本文于2021年和2022年以3个不育系和5个恢复系配制的15个杂交组合为试验材料, 在早季常温和晚季高温2种生态条件下进行裂区试验, 研究了杂交组合及其亲本对稻米品质的影响。结果表明, 年度间8项稻米品质的差异均达极显著水平(F值: 10.82**~6723.28**)。与2022年相比, 2021年水稻长宽比、垩白度、蛋白质、直链淀粉、胶稠度、精米率和整精米率分别显著提高8.41%、99.36%、13.76%、2.54%、125.12%、11.92%和144.00% (P<0.05), 但垩白粒率显著降低37.91% (P<0.05)。就不同种植季节来看, 晚季的长宽比、蛋白质和整精米率分别比早季显著提高3.96%、7.34%和14.08% (P<0.05), 而晚季垩白粒率、胶稠度和精米率则分别显著下降15.43%、5.21%和1.85% (F值: 18.74**~32.50**), 垩白度和直链淀粉在两个季节间差异不显著。不同不育系和不同恢复系分别配制的杂交组合间各品质指标差异均达显著水平(F值: 3.01*~69.32**), 3个不育系配制的杂交组合中‘椰香A’的综合品质相对较好, 5个恢复系配制的杂交组合中‘泸恢127’和‘泸恢276’的综合品质相对较好。由2021年和2022年合计分析结果可见, 双亲对长宽比、垩白度、垩白粒率、蛋白质和直链淀粉的特殊配合力方差较高(52.07%~92.39%), 对胶稠度、精米率和整精米率的一般配合力方差较高(73.90%~86.20%), 8项品质指标的广义遗传力均较高(48.29%~98.01%); 早季与晚季长宽比、垩白粒率、蛋白质、胶稠度、精米率和整精米率差异均达显著或极显著水平(t值: 1.98*~8.70**), 且早季与晚季间呈极显著正相关(r值: 0.6070**~0.9672**), 垩白度虽然在早季与晚季间差异不显著, 但两季间仍呈极显著正相关(r值: 0.7614**)。综上, 未来杂交水稻优质育种策略是选择垩白度低, 胶稠度、整精米率和垩白粒率高的恢复系, 以及长宽比大、垩白度和垩白粒率低、蛋白质含量8%左右和直链淀粉含量16%~18%的不育系杂交, 并从杂交后代中选择优质杂交稻品种。


    Abstract: The study of the interaction effects of climate, hybrid combination, and parents on rice quality can provide a scientific basis for further optimization of rice quality improvement strategies and improvement of rice disaster prevention and mitigation abilities. In 2021 and 2022, 15 hybrid combinations, obtained using three sterile lines and five restorer lines, were used as experimental materials under two ecological conditions (normal temperature in the early season and high temperature in the late season), and the responses of rice quality to hybrid combinations and their parents were investigated. The results showed that the differences in the eight rice qualities were all very significant (F value: 10.82**–6723.28**). The ratios of length to width, chalkiness, protein, amylose, gel consistency, milled rice rate, and head rice rate in 2021 were 8.41%, 99.36%, 13.76%, 2.54%, 125.12%, 11.92%, and 144.00% (P<0.05) higher than those in 2022, respectively, whereas the chalky rice rate was 37.91% (P<0.05) lower than that in 2022. The ratios of length to width and protein and head rice rates in the late season significantly increased by 3.96%, 7.34%, and 14.08% (P<0.05), respectively, compared to those in the early season. The chalky rice rate, gel consistency, and milled rice rate in the late season significantly decreased by 15.43%, 5.21%, and 1.85% (F value: 18.74**–68.38**) compared with those in the early season, respectively; however, there was no significant difference between chalkiness and amylose in the two seasons. The quality indices of the hybrid combinations prepared using different sterile lines and restorer lines were significantly different (F value: 3.01*–69.32**). The comprehensive quality of ‘Yexiang A’ in the hybrid combinations prepared by three sterile lines was relatively good. The comprehensive quality of ‘Luhui 127’ and ‘Luhui 276’ in the hybrid combination of the five restorer lines was relatively good. The variance of the special combining ability of parents for length-to-width ratio, chalkiness, chalky rice rate, protein, and amylose was very high (52.07%–92.39%), and the variance of general combining ability for gel consistency, milled rice rate, and head rice rate was very high (73.90%–86.20%). The broad sense heritability of eight quality indexes was high (48.29%–98.01%). There were significant or extremely significant differences in the ratio of length to width, chalky rice rate, protein, gel consistency, milled rice rate, and head rice rate between early season and late season (t value: 1.98*–8.70**), and there was a very significant positive correlation between early season and late season (r value: 0.6070**–0.9672**). Although there was no significant difference in the chalkiness between the early and late seasons, there was a significant positive correlation between them (r value: 0.7614**). In summary, the future breeding strategy for hybrid rice quality is to select restorer lines with low chalkiness, high gel consistency, head rice rate, and chalky rice rate, cross them with sterile lines with high length-to-width ratio, low chalkiness and chalky rice rate, approximately 8% protein content, and 16%–18% amylose content, and select high-quality hybrid rice varieties from the hybrid offspring.


