
Characteristics and economic benefits of water consumption in intercropping fields with one plastic film mulching for 2 years and different irrigation levels

  • 摘要: 以河西走廊区主导间作模式玉米||豌豆间作系统为研究对象, 在高(7 200 m3.hm-2)、中(6 450 m3.hm-2)、低(5 700 m3.hm-2)3种灌水水平下, 研究了一膜两年覆盖、秋免耕春覆膜和传统耕作覆膜对间作群体耗水量和棵间蒸发的影响, 以期为间作种植模式的优化耕作措施、地膜再利用、提高水分利用效率等提供理论依据。结果表明, 不同灌水水平对间作群体生育期棵间蒸发量存在显著影响, 随灌水水平的提高棵间蒸发量增大; 但在相同灌水水平下不同覆膜方式间差异不明显, 且互作效应不显著; 不同处理豌豆收获前、后, 间作农田棵间蒸发在玉米带和豌豆带存在显著差异, 不同处理收获前、后豌豆带棵间蒸发量平均值较玉米带分别高68.51%和69.30%; 豌豆带是造成间作农田系统蒸发耗水大的主要因素, 占地60%的玉米带棵间蒸发量只占农田蒸发总量的44.47%, 而占地仅为40%的豌豆带蒸发量却占55.53%; 玉米间作豌豆农田棵间蒸发主要发生在豌豆收获以后, 豌豆收获前的棵间蒸发仅占总蒸发量的26.98%。一膜两年覆盖可显著提高单方水效益, 不同灌水处理平均值较秋免耕春覆膜和传统耕作覆膜方式分别提高7.39%和31.33%, 且在中等灌水条件下一膜两年覆盖的单方水效益最高, 达2.51元.m-3。研究结果表明相同灌水水平下一膜两年覆盖玉米带抑制农田棵间蒸发、减少水分无效损失的效果与传统覆膜方式相当; 农田棵间蒸发量、耗水结构(E/ET)与灌水水平间呈正相关关系; 在中等灌水水平下一膜两年覆盖可获得较高的经济效益。


    Abstract: In order to optimize farming practice, plastic film recycling and water use efficiency of intercropping farming systems, a field experiment was conducted on maize-pea intercropping field at Hexi Corridor in Gansu Province. The experiment investigated the effect of three mulching patterns (NT: single plastic mulching for 2 years; CT: no tillage in fall with mulching and tillage in the next spring; CT: traditional mulching and tillage) on crop total water consumption and soil evaporation under high (7 200 m3.hm-2), intermediate (6 450 m3.hm-2) and low (5 700 m3.hm-2) irrigation levels. The results showed that the level of water supply had a significant effect on the soil evaporation. The soil evaporation increased with increasing irrigation level, but there was no significant difference among different mulching patterns under the same irrigation level. There was a significant difference in soil evaporation between maize strip and pea strip during harvest period of pea in all the treatments. Soil evaporation in pea strip was 68.51% and 69.30% higher than in maize strip before and after pea harvest, respectively. In addition, pea strip was an important factor driving water consumption in the intercropping farming system. The maize strip, which occupied some 60% of the farmland, only accounted for 44.47% of soil evaporation. Then the pea strip, which occupied some 40% of the farmland accounted for 55.53% of the total soil evaporation. Moreover, the evaporation in maize-pea intercropping field was mainly occurred after pea harvest, as only 26.98% of the soil evaporation occurred before pea harvest. NT treatment significantly increased the benefits of cubic meter water. The mean of water benefit per cubic meter under different irrigation levels were 7.39% and 31.33% higher for NT than for RT and CT, respectively. In addition, the highest water benefit per cubic meter reached 2.51 Yuan.m-3, which was observed under NT plus medium irrigation. In conclusion, NT reduced soil evaporation and non-productive water loss common under traditional mulching. Soil evaporation and total water consumption were positive correlated with irrigation level, with the highest water benefit per cubic meter under NT at moderate irrigation.


