
Analysis of the factors affecting soil nitrogen loss through runoff

  • 摘要: 从自然因素和人为因素出发探讨了地形、降雨、土壤理化性质、植被以及施肥、耕作制度等因素对土壤N素流失的影响,并综述了国内外有关研究的最新进展。并认为,基于这些因素相互作用的复杂性,有必要开展以下3方面的内容:一是大量开展多因子交叉实验,定量评价它们之间的关系,这为深入理解土壤N素流失机理和确定流域非点源污染模拟模型参数提供科学依据;二是加强有关土壤N素流失机理的多学科之间的联系,协同攻关建立较完善的理论认识;三是利用微观径流小区开展田间试验,结合遥感和GIS分析等方法,建立宏观大尺度土壤N素流失模型,为环境问题的宏观决策提供支持。


    Abstract: This paper systematically analyzed the impacts of landform,rainfall,soil,vegetation,fertilizer and cropping system on soil nitrogen loss and introduced the latest achievements of research in this field.Based on complex interactions of the above factors,suggestions on future research on soil nitrogen loss are advanced.Firstly,experiments on multi-factor interactions and quantitative evaluation of their relationships should be done to provide scientific understanding of the basic mechanisms of soil nitrogen loss and non-point source pollution model parameters.Secondly,cooperation among various research disciplines should be enacted to establish profound theoretical basis.Thirdly,large-scale models on soil nitrogen loss should be established by conduction on field experiments and micro-runoff plots in combination with remote sensing and GIS to provide support for environmental macroscopical decision on spatial-temporal scales.


