
Phenolics metabolism in sweet potato infected by Fusarium oxysporum Schlecht.f.sp

  • 摘要: 通过对甘薯抗蔓割病品种“金山57”和感病品种“岩薯8-6”接菌处理,研究了甘薯体内酚类物质的代谢规律以及与PAL酶活性的变化关系及其对甘薯抗蔓割病的影响。结果表明,两品种接种蔓割病菌后植株体内总酚、类黄酮、木质素、绿原酸、阿魏酸等含量都有提高,但抗病品种比感病品种酚类物质的积累速度快、保持较高浓度的时间长,从而更有利于抵抗病原菌侵染。同时,接菌后PAL酶活性的提高也与品种抗性呈正相关。


    Abstract: Fusarium oxysporum Schlecht.f.sp.batatas(wollenw.) Snyd.and Hans is the most important disease in Fujian, which affects the yield and quality of sweet potato. The inoculating experiment on the disease fungi of the resistant and sensitive varieties was conducted to study the metabolic characters of phenolics, which include total phenolics,flavonoid,lignin,chlorogenic acid, ferulic acid in plants, and the activity of correlative enzyme of affected sweet potato and the relationship between phenolics and resistance of sweet potato. The results show that resistant ability is related to the accumulation rate and maintenance time of high concentration of phenolics. As the same time, the resistance would be increased with the increase of PAL activity.


