
Analysis of the physical and chemical characteristics of Fujian tobacco-growing soils

  • 摘要: 通过对福建烟区具有代表性的2266个土壤样品的物理化学性状分析测定表明:土壤的pH值平均为5.05,物理性黏粒(<0.01mm)36.56%,有机质22.99g/kg,全N 1.52g/kg,碱解氮144.41mg/kg,全P0.52g/kg,速效磷28.41mg/kg,全K19.50g/kg,速效钾79.50mg/kg,缓效钾259.61mg/kg。与第2次土壤普查比较,福建烟区土壤普遍酸化,有机质和全K含量下降,土壤全P和有效磷含量显著增加,部分土壤N素积累。福建烟区应重视土壤酸度的调节和有机肥的施用,选择适宜的土壤质地类型,适当控制N肥的施用,适量施用P肥,重视K肥的施用。


    Abstract: The physical and chemical characteristics of 2266 soil samples from Fujian tobacco-growing fields were analyzed.Analyzed soil pH is 5.05,physical clay(<0.01mm)content is 36.56%,organic matter is 22.99g/kg,total N is 1.52g/kg,hydrolytic N is 144.41mg/kg,total P is 0.52g/kg,available P is 28.41mg/kg,total K is 19.50g/kg,available K is 79.50mg/kg and slow-releasing K is 259.61mg/kg.pH,organic matter and total K of the soils are noted to be low and total P,available P and total N of some soils are higher than found in the Second National General Soil Analysis. Rational application of N and P,adjustment of soil acidity,application of K fertilization and organic fertilizer,and selection of suitable soil texture are noted to be crucial in the cultivation of tobacco in Fujian tobacco-growing areas.


