
The impacts of nutrient elements on the growth and disease resistance of Astrgalus membranaceus(Fisch) Bge

  • 摘要: 田间试验研究N、P、K营养元素及其不同配比对黄芪生长发育及抗病性的影响结果表明:施用N、P、K对黄芪地上及地下生长都有促进作用,黄芪地上生长受N、P、K各元素的影响程度依次为N>P>K,N、P、K营养元素及其不同配比都提高了黄芪的鲜根重,N对提高黄芪鲜根重作用最大,N、P、K配合比单施P、K及其配合对提高黄芪鲜根重效果明显;N、P、K对黄芪根冠比的影响依次为K>P>N;施用P肥黄芪根腐病、紫纹羽病感病率较高,施用N肥次之,施用K肥黄芪根腐病和紫纹羽病的感病率最低,施用K肥可提高黄芪的抗病性。


    Abstract: A field experiment was conducted to study the impacts of N,P,K nutrition and their combination matches on the growth of leaves,stems and roots,and the infection rate of root rots and purple root rots of Astrgalus membranaceus (Fisch) Bge. The results show that fertilizer-N is very useful for the growth of roots and leaves,fertilizer-K can promote the growth of roots and increase the root-shoot ratio. Fertilizer-P can increase the infection rate of root rot,fertilizer-N and fertilizer-P may cause an opposite effect. Fertilizer-P increases the infection rate of purple root rots.fertilizer-N's function is not obvious.Mixing fertilizers rationally improve the yield of the root of Astrgalus membranaceus(Fisch)Bge.K fertilizer can improve the disease resistance of Astrgalus membranaceus(Fisch)Bge.


