
Effect of environment pollutions on urban ecosystem services

  • 摘要: 阐述了城镇化进程加速的同时,大气、水、噪声、固体废弃物及土壤等环境污染对城镇生态系统主要服务功能造成直接或间接的影响,即降低了植被净化空气和调节小气候的能力,减弱其削弱噪声的功能,限制其调节径流和吸纳废水中营养物质的作用,并使城镇带给人类的娱乐文化价值渐失。提出控制环境污染、保护城镇生态系统及其服务功能是城镇可持续发展的有效途径。


    Abstract: With the accelerative development of cities,the problem of pollution is coming by, such as the pollutions of air,water,noise,solid waste and soil.These pollutio ns affect the major service functions of ecosystem in urban areas directly or in directly, such as reducing the capacities of air-filtering and microclimate regulation, subduing the functions of noise reduction,limiting the roles of rainwater drainage and sewage treatment,and causing the loss of cultural and recreational values which urban of cities and towns bring to us. Therefore,controlling the environmental pollution and protecting the urban ecosystem and its service function are the effective ways for the sustainable development of cities.


