
Interactive effect of genotype and environment on the genetic covariance of characterization of heavy metal accumulation in edible rice grain(Oryza sativaL.)

  • 摘要: 采用种子数量性状遗传模型分析食用稻米重金属积累特性遗传相关性的基因型与环境互作结果表明,Hg、As、Cr、Cd和Pb 5个重金属积累特性间的基因型协方差均为正向。各遗传体系中成对重金属积累特性间均呈不同程度的正向或负向遗传协方差和环境互作协方差。


    Abstract: The interactive effect of genotype and environment on the genetic covariance of characterization of heavy metal accumulation in edible rice grain(Oryza sativa L.) was conducted by using genetic models for quantitative traits of seed. The results show that the genotype covariance appeares to be positive between these 5 heavy metal contents of Hg, As, Cr, Cd and Pb. The genetic covariance and GE interaction covariance are positive or negative to different degrees between pairs of element contents.


