
CoLprehensive evaluation of Cu and Hg pollution of soil in vegetable farLs in suburb of Fuzhou

  • 摘要: 对福州市郊蔬菜地土壤Hg、Cu污染综合评价结果表明,福州市郊蔬菜地土壤Hg污染严重,平均含量为0.79μg/g,土壤重度Hg污染的乡镇占37.5%,中度污染和轻度污染的乡镇分别占37.5%和25.0%;Cu有一定程度污染,平均含量为48.32μg/g,其土壤轻度污染的乡镇占62.5%,而未受污染的乡镇占37.5%。


    Abstract: The comprehensive evaluation of Cu and Hg pollution of soil in vegetable farms in suburb of Fuzhou was conducted.The results show that the average content of Hg in soil is 0.79μg/g,exceeding the serious level.The proportion of serious pollution of Hg is 37.5% in all evaluated areas,those of middle and slight degrees of pollution are 37.5% and 25.0% respectively;the average content of Cuin soil is 48.32μg/g,the proportions of slight pollution and safety degree are 62.5% and 37.5% respectively.


