
Investigation and analysis On soil fertility of cultivated farmland in Hai’粕County,Jjangsu Pl vinoe

  • 摘要: 对江苏省海安县耕地土壤肥力近1000个定位样点调查分析结果表明,2001~2002年海安县耕地土壤有机质、全N、速效磷、速效钾含量分别比1991年增加9.8% 、7.4%、190% 和18.3% ,分别比1982年增加41.3%、31%、245.2%和18.6% ,土壤理化性状明显改善。其土壤肥力演变与该县种植业、养殖业和加工业良性循环,大量施用优质有机肥,全面推广平衡施肥技术以及改良与优化种植结构和耕作方式有关。


    Abstract: Nearly 1000 fixed positions were investigated and analyzed in Hai’an County,Jiangsu Province.The results shoW that the cuhivated soil organic matter,total N,available P,available K increase by 9.8% ,7.4% ,190% and 18.3%respectively,higher than those in 1991,and by 41.3% ,31% ,245.2% and 18.6% respectively,higher than those in 1982.The soil physical and chemical properties are improved grea tly.The evolution of soil fertility is related to the eoordi-nate development in planting,breed ing and processing,manuring of a grea t quantity of organic fertilizer,spreading of bal-anced fertilization technique,and optimizing of planting system and tillage mode in the county.


