
Ecological organic fertilizers and sustainable development of agriculture

  • 摘要: 阐述了生态有机肥与农业可持续发展的关系,指出生态有机肥具有改良土壤,提高土壤肥力,改善土壤对植物N、P、K等营养元素供给,提高植物抗病能力,减少植物病虫害,辅之秸秆堆肥还田,可减少化肥农药施用量,促进农业良性循环等重要作用。


    Abstract: The relation between ecological organic fertilizers and sustainable development of agriculture is studied in this paper,showing that the microbial ecological organic fertilizers can improve the soil’S nutrition supply to plants with N,P and K;increase the plants’disease resistance;decrease the pests;and extend straw oomposting to make the soi1 refertility;reduce the use of chemical manure and pesticide;SO as tO make a good circulation of agriculture and realize the sustainable development of agriculture.


