
The current status of ecosystem health and its assessment

  • 摘要: 阐述了健康的生态系统定义及其研究瓶颈与途径,健康的生态系统可以活力、组织性和恢复力等定性指标描述和衡量。中尺度生态系统定量化健康评价研究的主要瓶颈是确立健康生态系统标准。生态系统健康评价研究的途径可从生态系统受胁迫压力角度、系统恢复力或系统反作用力角度以及生态系统受到潜在“威胁”预测和健康预防的角度考虑,而系统结构和功能相结合是生态系统健康评价的基础。


    Abstract: The concept,key 1inks of research and approach of healthy ecosystem are stated in this paper.A healthy ecosystem can be described and assessed by its vigor,structure and capacity resilience.The key links of research to quantitatively assess the ecosystem health is to define the criteria of the healthy ecosystem.The possible research approach to assessing the ecosystem health is to consider the factors from the ecosystem distress syndrome,capacity resilience,and the health precaution and prevention.Harmony concern of system structure and function should be the foundation of ecosystern health assessment.


