
Choose 0f phosphate-solubilizing fungal strains with high efficiency in black soil

  • 摘要: 黑土区高效溶P真菌筛选及其溶解磷矿粉效果的试验结果表明,溶P真菌溶P效果高于溶P细菌,且其溶P性状稳定。曲霉菌“P39”、“P37”和青霉菌“P66”、“Pl”溶P效果高于其他供试菌,菌株之间溶P活性与培养液pH值和有机酸含量间不存在必然相关性,推测不同菌株间溶P活性差异与菌株产生的有机酸种类和数量有关。


    Abstract: The choose of phosphate-solubilizing fungal strains with high efficiency in black soil and rock phosphate solubilization in liquid culture&re studied in this paper.The results show that phosphate-solubilizing fungi(PSF)are more efficient and more stable than phosphate-solubilizing bacteria(PSB).Aspergillus spp‘P39’,‘P37’and Penicillium spp‘P66’,‘Pl’have a strong ability of phosphate solubilization.Moreover there is no oorrelation between the ability of phosphate solubilization with pH and organic acid content in the culture filter.The differences among the phosphate solubilizaion of phosphate-solubilizing fungi may be due to the variation and amount of organic acids produced by phosphate-solubilizing fungi.


