
Efects of diferent cutting ways on the nutritive value of alfalfa mea1

  • 摘要: 研究表明压扁刈割的苜蓿显著提高其粗蛋白质和胡萝卜素含量,降低酸性洗涤纤维和中性洗涤纤维含量,与未压扁刈割相比压扁刈割明显缩短干燥时间,减少叶片损失和牧草呼吸作用、光化学作用和酶活动损失,提高苜蓿草粉质量。压扁刈割显著优于未压扁刈割苜蓿,而与人2r_X1割苜蓿青草相比则差异不显著。


    Abstract: Efects of different cutting ways(conditioning,un-eonditioning,men cutting)on the nutritive vatue of atfatfa meal are studied in this paper.The results show that conditioning treatment incrcases the contents of CP and carotene and reduces the contents of NDF and ADF.Compared with the tin-conditioning treatment.conditioning treatment shortens the drying time,reduces the losses of leaf,breath,photosynthesis and enzyme activities,improves the quality of alfalfa mea1.The advan tage of conditioning treatment is superior to the un-conditioning treatm ent.similar tO the people cuttingtreatment.


