
The efect of dimatic elements on the grain number per spike of winter wheat

  • 摘要: 要长期定位试验研究气候条件对冬小麦穗粒数的影响结果表明,冬小麦穗粒数主要受返青后5日滑动平均气温首次≥4℃之日~雌雄蕊原基分化时(即拔节开始天数)的影响,并受其至挑旗期平均最低气温和至抽穗期日照时数的制约。各因素对冬小麦穗粒数的影响大小依次为天数>日照时数>平均最低气温。冬小麦高产栽培还应协调好穗数、穗粒数和千粒重三者之间的关系。


    Abstract: Through a long-term located experiment,the effect of climatic elements on the grain number per spike of winter wheat were studied .The results show that the days from the time when the average temperature of 5 days iS first heyond 4℃ to the time when the differentiation of stamen and pistil primordium begins are the main element to affect the grain num berper spikeof winterwheat.Anditis also afected by the lowest average temperature to the booting stage and the sunshine time to the heading stage.The influencing order of every factors to the grain number per spike of winter wheatisthe day num ber> sunshine time> the lowest average tem pe rature.So the relationships among the spike.the grain number and the 1000-grain weight should be cooperated to get high yield in different years.


